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Summary: clinical application and precautions of more than 40 targeted drugs in 9 major systems

Source:medsci Date:2022/6/14 10:41:46


Tumor targeting drugs refer to drugs designed with a specific carcinogenic site (the site is a protein molecule or a gene fragment in the tumor cell) as the target, which can specifically bind to the site and cause the death of tumor cells.

Targeted drugs can selectively act on tumor tissues, thus greatly reducing the impact on surrounding normal tissues. They have the advantages of high efficiency and low toxicity, so they are widely used in the clinical treatment of tumors in various systems.

This article summarizes the clinical applications of commonly used tumor targeting drugs in various systems. After reading it, you can quickly collect it!

1、 Commonly used targeted drugs for respiratory system tumors

2、 Commonly used targeted drugs for digestive system tumors

3、 Commonly used targeted drugs for hematological tumors

4、 Commonly used targeted drugs for urinary system tumors

5、 Commonly used targeted drugs for breast cancer

6、 Commonly used targeted drugs for skin tumors

7、 Commonly used targeted drugs for bone and soft tissue tumors

8、 Common targeted drugs for head and neck tumors

9、 Common targeted drugs for reproductive system tumors


[1] 国家卫生健康委员会. 新型抗肿瘤药物临床应用指导原则(2021年版).

[2] 叶佳丹, 余克富, 朱斌, 等. 肿瘤靶向药物的分类与研究进展[J]. 药学进展, 2018, 42(5):8.

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