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The influence of personal life habits on immunity

Source:chinamaitake Date:2020/12/24 17:27:45

Abstract:个人习惯在一定程度上也是会影响人的免疫的。 每个人都有自己独特的生活习惯和爱好,如爱钓鱼、下棋、喝酒、抽烟、打游戏、K歌等。不可否认,培养一些好的兴趣爱好既能丰富业余生活,又能放松身心,提高综合素质。无论你的爱好是寄情于山水,还是隐于市,又或是心里想着诗和远方,拥有精神食粮,身体自然会充满无限的力量。 但是,有些爱好也会带来一些不良习惯,像钓鱼、下棋、打麻将等活动,一旦开始就很难停下来,往往在不知不觉中一坐就是几个钟头,等到结束再站起来会觉得腰酸背痛。而久坐的危害不仅如此,从头到脚都会深受其害,更有甚者会导致腰肌劳损,肩颈,腰椎等问题,还会增加心血管疾病发生的风险,特别对于中老年人及肿瘤患者更是如此。

Through the sharing in the previous issue, we understand the impact of psychological factors on immunity, and we know that a very important factor that affects the level of the immune system is psychology. Maintaining a positive attitude will actually affect some of our physiological functions and improve our immunity. System functions.

In fact, in addition to psychological factors that have an impact on immunity, personal habits will also affect people's immunity to a certain extent.

Everyone has their own unique living habits and hobbies, such as fishing, playing chess, drinking, smoking, playing games, karaoke, etc. It is undeniable that cultivating some good hobbies can not only enrich leisure life, but also relax the body and mind and improve overall quality. Whether your hobby is in the mountains and rivers, hidden in the city, or thinking about poetry and the distance in your heart, with spiritual food, your body will naturally be full of infinite power.

However, some hobbies can also bring some bad habits, such as fishing, chess, mahjong and other activities. Once they start, it is difficult to stop. They often sit for a few hours without knowing it, and wait until the end to stand up. Feel back pain. The hazards of sitting for a long time are not only that, it will suffer from head to toe, and even worse, it will cause lumbar muscle strain, shoulder and neck, lumbar spine and other problems. It will also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. This is especially true for cancer patients.

In addition, many elderly people also have hobbies to travel together. Undoubtedly, travel can bring spiritual pleasure, cultivate sentiment, and healthy body and mind. However, during the intermittent and stable periods of tumor treatment, many patients often have such questions. I feel very well recently. Can I go to travel? Will travel aggravate my condition?

In fact, for cancer patients, if the body and mind allows and does not affect the treatment, appropriate short-distance travel can relax the mind of the cancer patient, relieve the psychological burden caused by the disease, improve the quality of life, and have a positive effect on subsequent rehabilitation and treatment. effect.

But cancer patients are not suitable for long-distance travel. Because different from ordinary people, cancer patients usually have lower immune function and should not be overworked. There are various uncontrollable factors during long-distance travel. Factors such as road, soil, water, climate, and physical exhaustion can make cancer patients fatigue. Not only do they experience poor experience during travel, they may also cause aggravation of their illness. Therefore, if we want to travel for a long distance, it is very important: Before preparing to travel, we must consult relevant doctors to see if we can cope with the long distance travel.

And when it comes to these personal hobbies, many bad habits and hobbies naturally follow. Below, I have summarized some common bad habits among the elderly. I hope you can adjust and take precautions in time.

The first bad habit is exposure to too much smoke and dust

As we all know, smoking is harmful to health, whether it is first-hand smoke or second-hand smoke, it will cause damage to the lungs, and also cause some cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, which is a risk factor for lung cancer. However, despite knowing the dangers of smoking, many cancer patients can't help but try to escape the advice of doctors and relatives, or they often stay next to smokers and smoke secondhand smoke. These two behaviors are extremely harmful to their bodies. Not responsible anymore.

In addition, in addition to the smoke and dust produced by tobacco, it also includes the oily smoke produced when we cook. We Chinese people especially love cooking methods such as frying, frying, and frying, which are prone to produce more oily smoke. Therefore, our cooking should avoid excessive oil temperature, control the heat and time, and turn on the range hood.

The second bad habit is partial eclipse and picky eaters

Many cancer patients have the habit of partial eclipse and picky eaters, because there are too many taboos, which leads to the fact that they can’t eat and they can’t eat. In the previous sharing, I learned that appropriate taboos are correct. However, cancer is a wasting disease. Unbalanced nutrition and malnutrition are very common among cancer patients. Malignant tumor patients are a high-risk group of malnutrition. Excessive picky eaters and partial eclipses can lead to malnutrition, affect the prognosis and treatment tolerance of cancer patients, and reduce the quality of life of cancer patients. Therefore, increasing appetite and strengthening nutrition are very important for the recovery of cancer patients. In daily life, we must pay attention to reasonable nutrition, try to diversify the food, and eat a balanced diet in order to have comprehensive nutrition.

The third bad habit is to eat pickled food

Many elderly people have the habit of pickled food, but pickled food is a veritable health killer. Pickled foods contain carcinogens such as nitrite, which can destroy our body’s antioxidant capacity and cause the body’s resistance and immunity to decline. It is the cause of many cancers.

Therefore, in the daily diet of our elderly and cancer patients, we should try our best to choose seasonal and fresh ingredients, and eat as little preserved food as possible.

The fourth bad habit is staying up late

For cancer patients, insomnia is a normal problem that plagues many people. Staying up late on the one hand will cause a disturbance of the biological clock, on the other hand, night lights will destroy the formation of melatonin in the body, which is an important part of protecting the body’s immune function.

From a pathological point of view, the reduction of sleep time or the deterioration of sleep quality will both cause the reduction of some substances in the body that protect the body’s immune function, such as immunoglobulin, complement and some T cell subsets. It means that the body's immune function is reduced, which directly affects the rehabilitation and treatment of tumor patients, and may promote tumor growth and metastasis.

If our own sleep quality is not good, we can use some diet therapy methods and moderate exercise to improve it.

The fifth bad habit is being alone

Whether it is for cancer patients or their families, there is more or less a special emotional change-loneliness, it is a subjective and conscious feeling and experience of isolation and alienation from others or society. Many people feel depressed when they learn that they have a tumor. They don't want to talk about the disease or related topics with others. They prefer to be alone rather than make friends.

In fact, having stable interpersonal relationships and a good social circle are very important for physical health and mental health. Some studies have found that compared with those who are lonely, people who often communicate well with friends have better immunity.

An experiment studied the immune response of freshmen to the flu vaccine, and found that the immune response of the lonely students was weaker than that of the students with friends. Another study found that mental loneliness affects the level of some immune proteins. Therefore, our cancer patients may as well go out of the house often and participate in more social projects, such as lectures, travel, and dinner parties.

After talking about these good living habits, I believe that many listeners and friends have solved such a doubt, that is why some people are still healthy after the age of 70, while some people are suffering from pain when they are under 60. In addition to individual physical differences, more are affected by our personal living habits.

In fact, for cancer patients, in addition to ensuring a daily balanced diet, moderate exercise, and a healthy mentality, what we should do in our daily life is, "Don’t do small things for good, don’t do small things for evil. Of". Start from the small points, maintain good living habits for a long time, and do fine work for the improvement of our own immunity. When we can do the above, our immune system will have more protection.






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