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The homology of medicine and food -- Maitake polysaccharide

Source:Micro food Date:2022/8/31 16:36:16


Maitake is also called dancing mushroom. It is the fruiting body of porphyromonaceae. The fruiting body of P. frondosa has a stipe or nearly no stipe, and the stipe can branch many times to form a cluster of tiled cap, with a diameter of more than 40cm. The cap is semicircular, fan-shaped to spoon shaped, 2-7cm wide and 2-7mm thick, fleshy or semi fleshy; The cover is gray, grayish brown after drying, with fine cilia or villi, gradually falling off to smooth, without ring lines; The lid margin is wavy, thin and sharp. The stipe is short or long, branched, flat columnar, the same color as the lid, lateral. The germ tube is white and 2-3mm thick; The nozzle surface is white; The nozzle is round, nearly round to polygonal, 2-3 per 1mm. The mushroom meat is white or nearly white, fibrous and fleshy, with a thickness of 2mm. Spores are oval to oval, colorless and smooth. Ecological environment: it grows on the trunk of broad-leaved trees or around the stumps. The fruiting body is covered with tile like clusters, stipitate or nearly sessile. The cap is fan-shaped or spoon shaped, 2-7cm wide and 1-2mm thick. The surface is grayish brown, smooth, and sometimes short hairs can be seen; The pore surface is white to light yellow, and the tube is densely extended, and the nozzle is nearly round to polygonal. It is light, brittle, white in section and uneven. The smell is fishy and the taste is slightly sweet. Maitake has the function of Invigorating Qi and spleen; The effect of tonifying deficiency and strengthening health.

1、 Efficacy and function of Maitake

Efficacy of Maitake

[processing] take the original medicinal materials, remove the impurities and divide them into small pieces. Dry or sun dry at 60-80 ℃. Put it in a cool and dry place to prevent moths.

[taste] sweet; flat

[function indications] invigorating qi and spleen; Replenish the deficiency and support the healthy. Spleen deficiency and weak Qi; Fatigue and fatigue; The weary words of God; Diet reduction; Abdominal distension after eating; Tumor patients with the above symptoms after radiotherapy or chemotherapy

[usage and dosage] oral: decoction, 10-20g.

[excerpt] Chinese Materia Medica

Functions of Maitake:

The medicinal mushroom is gray or light brown. The meat is tender and crisp, tastes like chicken shreds, is crisp like magnolia, and is delicious. Maitake is rich in nutrition and has high nutritional value. Its amino acid and protein are twice as high as that of Lentinus edodes. It has the functions of cancer prevention, anti-cancer and improving human immune function. It has a significant effect on liver cirrhosis, diabetes, edema, beriberi and adverse urination. Regular eating can strengthen the body and prolong life.

The extract of Maitake has the effect of resisting AIDS virus, treating breast cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer, and relieving pain; In addition, it has the following functions:

1. Strengthen the immune system

Although the true mechanism by which polysaccharides activate the immune system remains controversial, it has been confirmed that different polysaccharides can stimulate T-cell function, natural killer (NK) cells and macrophage activity. T-cells are a kind of white blood cells, which can "phagocytize" pathogens such as yeast cells, bacteria, cells infected by viruses and so on. Macrophages are concentrated in the mucosal layer of the body - especially in the digestive system, urinary system and respiratory system. Polysaccharides also play a supporting and reinforcing role in the reticuloendothelial system, which is the tissue where immune cells (including macrophages) penetrate into the spleen, liver and lymphatic tissues and swallow up wastes and toxic chemicals.

2. Anti cancer

Maitake polysaccharides can activate immune responses such as macrophages, natural killer cells, T-lymphocytes, as well as lymphokines and interleukin. These properties make it useful for the treatment of cancer. Studies have shown that it can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, and animal experiments have also shown that Maitake can shrink tumors. In one study, compared with other previously detected natural substances. Maitake was proved to be the most effective inducer of cancer cell apoptosis (cell death).

3. Reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis

The effective components in Maitake polysaccharide, such as beta (1-3) D-glucan and beta (1-6) D-glucan protein compounds, have a positive effect on reducing blood glucose (sugar). Unsaturated fatty acids such as triglyceride contained in Maitake extract also have the effect of reducing blood sugar, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis.

4. Because it is rich in iron, copper and vitamin C, it can prevent anemia, scurvy, vitiligo, arteriosclerosis and cerebral thrombosis.

5. It has a high content of selenium and chromium, which can protect the liver and pancreas, prevent liver cirrhosis and diabetes; The high selenium content also has the function of preventing and treating Keshan disease, Kashin Beck disease and some heart diseases.

6. It contains both calcium and vitamin D, which can effectively prevent and treat rickets.

7. High zinc content is beneficial to brain development, maintain visual acuity and promote wound healing.

8. The high content of vitamin E and selenium can make it anti-aging, enhance memory and sensitivity. At the same time, it is an excellent immune modulator.

9. As a traditional Chinese medicine, Maitake is equivalent to Polyporus umbellatus. It can treat adverse urination, edema, beriberi, cirrhosis ascites and diabetes. It is a very valuable medicinal fungus.

10. It also has the effect of inhibiting hypertension and obesity.

11. The higher selenium content of Maitake has the effect of resisting cancer.

2、 Nutritional value and composition of Maitake

nutritive value

Maitake is rich in nutrition. Its nutrient content has been tested by the Institute of nutrition and food hygiene of the Academy of Preventive Medical Sciences and the quality inspection center of the Ministry of agriculture. Every 100g of dry Maitake contains 25.2g of protein (including 18.68g of 18 kinds of amino acids required by the human body, including 45.5% of essential basic acids), 3.2g of fat, 33.7g of dietary fiber, 21.4g of carbohydrate, 5.1g of ash, rich in a variety of beneficial minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, copper Selenium, chromium, etc., rich in vitamins, ve109.7 mg, vb11.47 mg, vb20.72 mg, vc17.0 mg, and carotene 4.5 mg A variety of nutrients rank first among various edible fungi, among which the content of VB1 and VE is about 10-20 times higher, the content of VC is 3-5 times higher than that of its peers, and the protein and amino acid are 2 times higher than that of Lentinus edodes, which can promote the healthy growth and intellectual development of children. The content of relevant arginine and lysine is higher than that of lysine (1.024%) and arginine (1.231%) in Flammulina velutipes; Aspartic acid and glutamic acid related to fresh taste are high, so it is known as "Prince of edible fungi" and "North China ginseng".

Nutritional composition table

3、 Chemical composition

There are many components in Maitake polysaccharide. Medical and chemical experts discovered the components of each chain of Maitake polysaccharide in different years, and gave them strict names. At the same time, they studied the effects of different components on different body organs.

4、 Domestic research

Experts engaged in pharmacological research of Maitake polysaccharide in China include:

Wu Wutong of China Pharmaceutical University: he has written a paper entitled "research progress of Maitake polysaccharide", which describes in detail the analysis, pharmacology and clinical application of Maitake polysaccharide, and fully prospects the new research direction of Maitake.

Huang Xingshu, School of medicine, Zhejiang University: Professor Huang Xingshu successfully developed new anti-tumor drugs, reported Professor Huang Xingshu's research results on Maitake. Professor Huang proved Maitake's anti-tumor mechanism with a personal case.  

Professor Wu Tongfa, chief physician of digestive department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai, fully affirmed the research of Maitake in the article "fungi are the first choice for anti-cancer".  

5、 Drug action:

1. A large number of systematic studies at home and abroad show that Maitake polysaccharide is an effective biological immune regulator, and its different components contain β- 1,3-, β- The structure of 1,6-glucan can greatly activate the cellular immune function, thus improving the body immunity;

2. Maitake is an excellent immune regulator and has the effect of resisting AIDS virus. Some doctors have combined Grifola extract and other treatments to treat AIDS patients, with very good results.

3. Rich in iron, copper and vitamin C, it can prevent anemia, scurvy, vitiligo, arteriosclerosis and cerebral thrombosis; It has a high content of selenium and chromium, which can protect the liver and pancreas, prevent liver cirrhosis and diabetes; The high selenium content also has the function of preventing and treating Keshan disease, Kashin Beck disease and some heart diseases. High zinc content is beneficial to brain development, maintain visual acuity and promote wound healing.

4. The high content of vitamin E and selenium combine to make it anti-aging, enhance memory and sensitivity.

5. The antitumor inhibition of Maitake polysaccharide is similar to that of other fungal polysaccharides, that is, it can prevent normal cells from canceration and inhibit tumor growth and metastasis by activating the immune system of the body; Through the synergistic effect with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the therapeutic effect can be improved and the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be reduced.

Studies by experts at home and abroad have proved that almost all large fungi (edible fungi) have good immune regulation, mainly because they contain "polysaccharides". Fungal polysaccharide is not a general "sugar", it is an active polymer compound, which has a significant immune promoting effect on human body. This effect is mainly realized through the health care function of human cells. The five viscera, tissues and organs of the human body are all composed of cells. The cell is the smallest life unit of the human body. Whether its function is normal or not is directly related to the health of the human body. Therefore, in order to keep the human body healthy, we must keep the cell normal. The cell membrane is covered by a layer of polysaccharide protein, which plays a role in protecting cells and transferring nutrients to the inside of cells. If the polysaccharide on the cell membrane is insufficient, the normal function of the cell will be damaged. China has successfully developed Maitake active polysaccharides with the effects of cell detoxification, cell repair and cell regeneration.

Source: Micro food


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