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Stewed pork chop and tomato Maitake

Source:本站原创 Date:2022/9/8 16:28:00


Stewing mushrooms in autumn is a good choice for health preservation.

Today's recommendation is this tomato Maitake pot with ribs. It tastes very good and delicious. The ribs are nutritious, the soup is delicious, and the calcium supplement tastes good.

The spareribs are pork chops, which are rich in protein, calcium phosphate, collagen and other nutrients. Regular drinking of spareribs soup can provide rich calcium for the elderly and children, and promote the bone development of children.

In this dish, Maitake and Spareribs with low fat content are cooked together. The dishes are rich in nutrition and diverse in taste. The mushrooms taste fresh, the soup is fragrant, the spareribs are tender, and the dishes are also soup. It is suitable for all kinds of people.

Materials: one tomato, half a catty of pork ribs, oneMaitake, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and oil.


1. Wash and control the water of Maitake, wash the sub row blanching water with warm water, and drain the water. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces.

2. Clean the ribs and put them into the pot. Add cold water, ginger and cooking wine. Bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam. After a few minutes, remove the ribs and control the water.

3. Add edible oil into the pot, heat it, add ginger to fry the flavor, and then pour the ribs into it to stir fry until it changes color slightly. Add salt and soy sauce, stir fry, stir fry evenly, and pour into the casserole.

4. Leave some oil in the pot, pour all the washed Maitakes and tomatoes into the pot, stir fry for a few times, and water will overflow, then pour in an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil.

5. After boiling, pour it into the casserole and stew with the ribs for 30 minutes until the ribs are soft. Put in a proper amount of shallots and take them out of the pot.

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