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Is the polysaccharide of Maitake, which can help fight cancer and shrink tumors, an IQ tax?

Source:德国玫克微朵 Date:2022/11/29 18:06:28


Maitake is a kind of mushroom used for medicine and food.

As a kind of mushroom for daily consumption, many nutrients rank first among all kinds of mushroom. After testing by the Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of the Academy of Preventive Medical Sciences and the Quality Inspection Center of the Ministry of Agriculture

Every 100 grams of dried ash tree flowers contain 25.2 grams of protein, including 18.68 grams of 18 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body; It is rich in many beneficial minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, selenium, chromium, etc; In particular, there are many vitamins - 4.5 mg carotene, in which the content of VB1 and VE is about 10-20 times higher, and the content of VC is 3-5 times higher than that of its peers. 

As a medicinal plant, Maitake is recorded in the Chinese "Chinese Materia Medica", which has the functions of tonifying qi and spleen, tonifying asthenia and strengthening the body.

But in recent years, the remarkable thing about Maitake is its anti-tumor effect.

On the one hand, high selenium content has the effect of resisting cancer, especially the grifolan β- Glucan is the main component, with the strongest anti-cancer activity β- (1,3) - glucan accounts for a large proportion; At the same time, it is an excellent immunomodulator.

In particular, the animal experiment of Maitake polysaccharide shows that Maitake can activate phagocytes, natural killer cells, harmful T cells and other immune cells, and induce leukocytes and interferon- γ、 Tumor necrosis factor- α The secretion of other cytokines can induce apoptosis of cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth, metastasis and recurrence.

On the other hand, Maitake is used in combination with traditional chemotherapeutic drugs and immunotherapeutic drugs (interferon- α 2b) Synergies. It not only increases the efficacy, but also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy. It can alleviate the pain of patients with advanced cancer, increase appetite, and improve the quality of life of patients.

In 2003, Liu An, Zang Lihua and Sun Qingji, deputy chief physicians, mainly used Maitake polysaccharide to conduct a 6-month clinical trial on advanced cancer patients:

The results showed that the patients with advanced cancer were assisted with Maitake polysaccharide, the tumor volume was reduced, the routine blood, urine and stool tests were normal, the clinical symptoms and signs of the patients were improved, and there was no adverse reaction during chemotherapy or treatment.

[Authoritative source of content: Journal of Shandong Institute of Light Industry, Volume 22, Issue 2, 2008; Clinical Observation on Anti tumor Effect of Maitake Polysaccharide (Liu An, Zang Lihua, Sun Qingji)]

PAPT01. Background of clinical trial

In this clinical trial, 120 cases were collected from March 2003 to March 2007. They were randomly divided into experimental group and control group with 60 cases each. Among them, there were 70 males and 50 females, with a male to female ratio of 1.4:1; The minimum age is 37 years old, the maximum age is 70 years old, and the median age is 62 years old.

The disease types are five common malignant tumors in China: esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, primary liver cancer, breast cancer and bronchogenic lung cancer. The clinical staging was either stage Ib or stage IV. All of them were late patients who lost the opportunity of surgery.

TCM syndrome differentiation is characterized by deficiency of vital energy and excess of pathogenic factors, weakness of spleen and stomach, stagnation of qi and blood stasis, and its clinical manifestations are lump, hard, distension or tingling; Emotional depression, dark complexion; The diet is reduced, the spirit is tired, the body is emaciated, the belching is uncomfortable, sometimes there is nausea, and the stool is not adjusted; The tongue is dark purple or has ecchymosis, the tongue coating is thin and white, and the pulse is string or astringent.

PART02. Clinical trial treatment method

Both groups were treated with conventional western medicine (including radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery), while the Maitake group was also treated with Maitake polysaccharide capsules twice a day, 2 capsules each time.

The course of treatment was 6 months in both groups. The changes of various indexes before and after administration were recorded.

PART03. Clinical trial treatment results

◎ The results of survival period show that:

It can be seen from Table 1 that 28 of the 60 patients in the control group only survived for 3 months, while 52 in the experimental group exceeded the clinical trial stage of 6 months.

The results showed that Maitake polysaccharide could improve the survival of patients with advanced cancer.

◎ The improvement results of clinical symptoms and signs before and after treatment showed that:

It can be seen from Table 2 that the improvement rate of clinical symptoms and signs in 60 patients in the control group is 46.7%, while that in the experimental group is 97.7%.

The results showed that Maitake polysaccharide could alleviate the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

◎ The results of tumor volume change show that:

Table 3 shows that Maitake polysaccharide can interfere with tumor volume, and the effective rate of the experimental group is 16.7%.

◎ Card scoring results before and after treatment:

Table 4 shows that Maitake polysaccharide can improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

Note: Karst score is the scoring standard for the survival period of tumor patients.

◎ Weight change results before and after treatment:

It can be seen from Table 5 that half of the 60 patients in the control group are in a state of continuous physical decline, and the weight loss of late patients means severe malnutrition or cachexia. In the experimental group, 26 patients tended to be stable, and 32 patients were in an increasing state.

The results showed that Maitake polysaccharide could promote the nutrition absorption of patients, maintain and increase the weight of patients with advanced cancer.

◎ The results of routine examinations before and after treatment showed that:

It can be seen from Table 6 that 28 of the 60 patients in the control group had abnormal blood routine test, liver function and kidney function, because some drugs would damage liver and kidney function, bone marrow suppression and other adverse reactions during the radiotherapy and chemotherapy period. In the experimental group, only 4 patients had abnormal blood routine examination, and the rest were normal.

The results showed that Maitake polysaccharide could improve the damage of drugs to liver and kidney function and maintain normal metabolism of organs.

Article Source/Reference/quote:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/91KNV-FD9eXoz_T-nhuIag

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