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Maitake tofu tomato soup

Source:Internet Date:2022/2/18 15:54:13


We know that Maitake belongs to mushroom. There are many elderly people who often eat mushrooms in Japan and live a long life. Mushroom, as a kind of fungus, can supplement the nutritional value that many other foods cannot give. Mushroom foods are rich in vitamin B groups, especially vitamin B1, B2, niacin and folic acid, which can promote metabolism, eliminate fatigue and effectively ensure the quality of exercise.

Tomato is a tomato with beautiful appearance, bright color, thick meat, juicy, sweet, sour and delicious. It is not only a vegetable, but also a fruit. It can be eaten raw or cooked. The sour and sweet taste of tomatoes can appetize and stimulate people's appetite. At the same time, it is a low calorie diet ingredient.

Today, I recommend to you a Maitake tofu tomato soup, which is sour, sweet and refreshing. It tastes delicious. Although there is no meat, it has no loss in nutrition. It is delicious and appetizing. Drink more to increase body resistance. The method is simple and delicious. You can also try it.

Ingredients: 30g Maitake, 1 tomato, 1 small piece of tender tofu, appropriate amount of green onion, salt, etc


1. Wash the Maitake, tear them into small flowers, blanch them in water, and then take them out for standby;

2. After washing the tomato, cross the top, pour it directly into boiling water and simmer for about 5 minutes, then peel and dice it; Cut tofu into small pieces.

3. Pour oil into the pot, put scallions into the pan, then pour diced tomatoes and stir fry to make juice;

4. Add proper amount of water and bring to a boil, then pour in mushrooms and tofu pieces and continue to cook for 5 minutes; Add some salt and sprinkle some scallion.

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