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Heavy! According to the latest cancer data of "divine journal" CA: the risk of cancer death in the United States is 32% lower than the peak, and China is still high

Source:biological exploration Date:2022/1/19 17:19:57


On January 12, the Journal of the American Cancer Society CA: a cancer journal for clinicians released a report: cancer statistics 2022, which predicts the new cancer cases and deaths in the United States this year.

The influence factor of Ca magazine reached a frightening height: 508.702, and the number of citations in the published report far exceeded this value. The following five aspects interpret and analyze the report.

Why does cancer mortality continue to decline in the United States

From 1991 to 2019, cancer mortality in the United States decreased by 32%. This great success is largely due to tobacco control. Smoking can lead to the decline of lung and other organ functions and the emergence of many cancers.

From 1975 to 2018, the incidence rate of cancer in the United States was classified by gender.

Between 1991 and 2019, the shaded area in the figure shows the number of cancer deaths avoided by men and women in the United States. The blue line represents the actual number of cancer deaths recorded each year; The red line represents the expected number of cancer deaths if cancer mortality remains at its peak.

There are, of course, advances in technology and equipment, such as breast cancer and postoperative chemotherapy for colon cancer, combined treatment of multiple cancers, and screening, prevention and early detection of certain cancers (including breast, cervical, colon, prostate, rectal and lung cancers) faster and more accurately.

From 2015 to 2019, the risk of cancer death in the United States decreased by about 2% per year, compared with 1% per year in the 1990s. The accelerated decline of cancer mortality shows the power of prevention, screening, early diagnosis and treatment technology.

The researchers also pointed out that the successful reduction of cancer mortality in the United States is a great progress, but more investment should be made in these two important areas: first, expand theoretical knowledge and cancer research; The second is to ensure that cancer control plans benefit all people more widely and fairly.

The survival rate of lung cancer patients has been greatly improved, but its threat is still the greatest

Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer death. In recent years, more and more patients with lung cancer have been diagnosed in the early stage and treated in time, so their life expectancy has been prolonged.

From 2014 to 2018, the rate of patients diagnosed with middle and early lung cancer increased by 4.5% every year. Therefore, the probability of patients diagnosed with advanced lung cancer decreased sharply, which comprehensively improved the three-year survival rate of lung cancer.

"The improved prognosis of lung cancer may also reflect the passage of Medicaid related bills," added Rebecca Siegel, the lead author of cancer statistics 2022, "In addition, the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the American preventive medicine working group (USPSTF) give priority to lung cancer screening. Even if the screening rate is very low, it is still helpful for the early diagnosis of cancer."

Source: biological exploration, content deleted


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