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Maitake that carries hope, follow Qingyuan mushroom farmers on the "flower road"

Source:news.lsnews Date:2021/1/4 13:47:30

Abstract:Maitake, due to its high medicinal value, is called the Prince of Edible Fungi. Huangtian Town, Qingyuan County, a mountainous town with an area of more than 100 square kilometers, has been domesticated and planted Maitake since the 1980s. It has explored a variety of stable and high-yield technologies such as stick cultivation and secondary fruiting with soil. The tree flower industry is cultivated as the local leading industry.

Bao Shiyong, a mushroom farmer in Shangji Village, Huangtian Township, Qingyuan County, who has been dealing with Maitake for more than 30 years, has always been in the mushroom shed these days, busy caring and managing a new batch of young mushrooms.



Maitake, due to its high medicinal value, is called the "Prince of Edible Fungi". Huangtian Town, Qingyuan County, a mountainous town with an area of more than 100 square kilometers, has been domesticated and planted Maitake since the 1980s. It has explored a variety of stable and high-yield technologies such as stick cultivation and secondary fruiting with soil. The tree flower industry is cultivated as the local leading industry.


The local Maitake production accounts for 90% of the country's total production, and Huangtian Town is therefore known as the "Hometown of Maitake in China".

Since the beginning of this year, Bao Shiyong has planted 40,000 rods of Maitake and is expected to earn 200,000 yuan. He smiled and said: "We are just happy. We also have cars and bungalows. Like me, I don't want to go to the city."

In 2019, Huangtian Town produced more than 12 million bags of Maitake, generating more than 42 million yuan in income, and an average increase of 70 to 80,000 yuan per household. The local area is still working on building its own brand and planning the cultural tourism industry.


The flowers are blooming, just like the spring dynasty. Generations of hard-working mushroom farmers have watered the little Maitake into the "flower of hope" on the yellow field.

From:Handheld Qingyuan


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