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Stir-fried Maitake.

Source:Internet Date:2022/3/15 17:56:26


When spring comes, it's time for people who have eaten enough greasy meat and vegetables to wake up their new taste with a delicious and fresh vegetable dish and usher in a wave of delicious food in spring!

Today we will introduce a quick dish - Stir-fried Maitake.

Maitake, commonly known as "dance mushroom", is a mushroom for both food and medicine. It has high nutritional value and contains higher amino acids and protein than Lentinus edodes. Maitake has a unique flavor, Kwai Maitake are fragrant and fragrant, with a certain toughness, good taste, rich appearance, and its meat is crisp and refreshing. It is not bad to eat, but also suitable for fast food, a rare good food.

This dish specially selects celery and carrot, which are simple in practice and complete in color, flavor and flavor. It will certainly refresh your spring.

Ingredients: 100g of Maitake, 25g of parsley, 15g of red pepper, appropriate amount of vegetable oil and soy sauce

Cooking steps:

1. Prepare relevant food materials, soak Maitake in boiling water for 15min and clean them.

2. After the Maitake is drained, cut off the thick and old part of the root; Then tear it into small flowers by hand; Finally, wash the Maitake again and squeeze out the water as much as possible;

3. Cut parsley and red pepper into 7cm strips.

4. Heat the oil in the pot slightly, pour it into Maitake and stir fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes. The water is dry and the fungus is fragrant.

5. Add parsley and red pepper strips and stir fry for 1 minute, pour soy sauce to taste, stir fry for a while and then put on a plate.

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